Alpha 1-antitrypsin, human plasma derived

Item# SPT-hA1-001

Product Description

Purified human plasma-derived alpha 1-antitrypsin (hAAT, Serpin A1, alpha 1-protease inhibitor).

hAAT is the third most abundant protein in human plasma. Deficiency states are associated with liver, lung, metabolic and other diseases (e.g. PiZ, PiS). hAAT inhibits inflammation associated with cell-mediated immunity, neutrophil and endotoxin function, ROS toxicity, endothelial function and apoptosis. hAAT also possesses anti-viral activity and is the major endogenous inhibitor of neutrophil and pancreatic serine elastases and trypsins and may signal through cAMP-mediated pathways [1,2,3]. Purified from pooled human plasma. Larger amounts available upon request.

1. Fregonese and Stolk. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2008. 3:16. PMiD: 18565211 2. Janciauskiene et al. Respir Med. 2011. Feb. PMiD: 21367592 3. Congote. Virus Res. 2007. 125(2):119-34. PMiD: 17258834

 Product Specification

 Safety Data Sheet
